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Whether you plan your requirements in-house, or entrust this work to us, requirements planning is a prerequisite to any web project. Requirements generally fall into 3 categories: Business, Functional and Technical.

Business requirements are those that relate to achieving business goals. Senior staff in managerial positions will generally focus on business requirements. Functional requirements are a breakdown of how to achieve those business goals by listing out each detailed step. Typically, staff members who are directly involved in implementing the project will rely on the functional specification to guide the project to completion. Finally, technical requirements are for developers. A technical requirement is generally the most detailed, spelling out all assumptions and workflows. Many organizations opt to forgo technical specifications and instead conduct Agile sprints, as technical requirements can quickly change during a project and maintaining documentation can be a drain on resources.

#10 can assist in developing requirements from scratch or serving as a sounding board to improve or add to existing requirements.

Enough Talk, Let's Build Something Together

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