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Audits are helpful in uncovering various opportunities for increasing operational efficiencies and growing revenue. These opportunities range from enhancing performance, improving code quality, and improving usability, to reducing bounce rates, increasing average order values, and increasing overall site traffic.

Over time, sites can accumulate overhead in the form of unkempt databases that are bloated with unnecessary data, unused plugins/extensions, code conflicts introduced by having multiple developers, and obsolete technology/coding practices. In addition, trends on the web change rapidly and users’ expectations change along with them. As such, it is recommended to audit websites at least on a yearly basis to evaluate the website’s ability to achieve business goals.

A typical audit includes two main components: a Usability analysis component, which focuses on the ability of a website to garner traffic, and then convert that traffic to sales, AND a Technology analysis, which focuses on making the code more performant, so that you reduce errors/complaints, serve faster pages, and scale your business.

Usability Analysis

This portion of the audit includes a review of Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools setup, sitemap analysis, overall site structure and indexing plan together with conversion rate optimization (CRO) suggestions where we would do our best to examine the current condition of your site and also to make data-driven recommendations.

The deliverables include:

  • An executive summary of findings listed by priority
  • Detailed explanation of findings and suggested solutions
  • Top priorities for the development team, copywriters and digital marketers
  • Review of Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools setup
  • Speed and performance analysis (HTTP requests, performance optimizations, caching, etc.)

It is recommended that any new coding efforts start with this type of audit, as it will allow us to benchmark future performance against your current website.

Technical Audit

The purpose of the technical audit is to examine the technical aspects of a website in order to provide recommendations for improvements.

  • An executive summary of prioritized findings and detailed suggested solutions
  • Check for any instances of Magento Core System modifications
  • A review of 3rd party extensions
  • Database integrity review
  • Code quality review
  • Usability audit of existing website (checkout workflow, customer onboarding, etc.)

Contact us today to get started on your audit.

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